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Henry Medhurst - New Showreel!

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Henry Medhurst
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 2 December 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 22 May 2015



So I know I put out a showreel only a couple of months ago, but that one was just for FX and lighting. This one is everything, and I think I've done some wicked stuff since then, so I'm adding it in. Nonetheless, these are a collection of my best CG and VFX shots. I know a lot of these are FX, but that's one of my favorite things to do so shush.

All elements are created by me... I know right. Talent.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the video! Please give it a thumbs up. I would put a title at the end of this video saying that, but I might have to show this to professional people who aren't just browsing YouTube so...

Anyway hope you're all well! I recently hit over 50,000 video views recently, so thank you all for checking my stuff out!

Take care!

- Henry