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3D Tests from M&L Ultimate Attack 2013

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Uploaded to YouTube by: TerminalMontage [Jeremey]
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 10 March 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 1 July 2015



Here's some old test footage M&L's Ultimate Attack https://youtu.be/X_7dIDAZ1Oo I learned how to use Blender just for this scene (and haven't touched it since, sadly). There were a few other tests too, but they were just boring static shots of the sun and stuff.

I put more detail into the planet than I needed too. There were 2 textures on it, a day time and night time texture, that could be seen depending on where the light was, but the shot of Earth was so fast, most people didn't seem to catch the starry city lights in the shadows. Even though we only see 1 part, I designed an entire texture for it.

And the quality in some of the shots is bad because.. They were only tests, I didn't want to wait for high quality videos to be rendered when I only wanted to see how things looked.

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The song used is; Prenotion from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1