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John & Bobby (X-Men) - Rain

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Uploaded to YouTube by: EXILExVILIFY
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 9 August 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 20 April 2008



This video contains slash. If you don't like slash (m/m content), don't watch, don't comment!
Please give only fair criticism, mean comments will be delated. You have been warned, so don't complain afterwards!

wooh... Just another fandom that keeps me from finishing my HP-videos.. xD sorry for that, but I had to make this vid... Bobby/John is simply an amazing pairing because it's so intense...

The video hasn't a real story, it mostly goes with the lyrics.
The first part is from Bobby's POV, the second from John's :)

Song: Rain - The Finalist
X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men 3 - The last Stand, Traveler, Smallville

I neither own the movie nor the song. This video is fan-made and I do not earn any money with it. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.

Enjoy! Comments are appreciated! :)