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Pet store and puppy mills connection: Why you should not buy puppies

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Best Friends Animal Society
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 31 August 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 June 2014



See that cute little dog in the pet store window? Chances are it came from a puppy mill, a breeding facility that forces caged, neglected and often sick dogs to churn out puppy after puppy to be sold for profit. That’s how nearly all pet stores work.

Meanwhile, millions a wonderful, healthy pets end up in animal shelters because of divorce, money trouble, or simply not having a home. Across America, this leads to the killing of one pet every six seconds. That's 10 before the end of this video, and more than 9,000 by the end of today. But with one simple choice, you can help just by deciding to adopt instead a purchase your next pet.

Animal shelters are full of amazing pets looking for homes: mixed, pure breed, big or small, puppies to adults. You can find that faithful companion you've always wanted: a fluffy snuggler, your new hiking buddy, or even one that looks good in hats. When you adopt your new best friend, not only are you saving a life, you're taking a stand against puppy mills.

Now imagine sharing the joy of adopting with your friends. Seeing the smart choice and impact you've made, they adopt their next pets and share with five of their friends, who share with five more. Before long, thousands get involved. Pet stores stop selling dogs from puppy mills, and even more lives are saved, and all because you chose to adopt. Man's best friend deserves better; they deserve good care, safety and love from a family of their own, and with your help we can Save Them All. Visit bestfriends.org to learn more.

Help break the puppy mill cycle and save lives. By choosing to adopt rather than buy your next pet, you can take a stand against puppy mills and save the lives of pets in shelters. Visit http://bestfriends.org/What-We-Do/Our-Work/Initiatives/Puppy-Mill-Initiatives/ to learn more.

See Best Friends’ YouTube playlist “Puppy mills: Facts about large-scale dog breeding.” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7hRNs_gx889yxenN0g56I6T3yphnzdiN

Find out more about what exactly a puppy mill is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRhKE5Divbw&list=PL7hRNs_gx889yxenN0g56I6T3yphnzdiN