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WINNERS: Curling Iron Giveaway Winner Announcement

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Uploaded to YouTube by: hollyannaeree
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 9 October 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 17 March 2012



If you didn't win this giveaway theres still time to enter for my Floral Backpack! ----http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fjjQOQBXmQ


I will be announcing the Jewelmint winners this week as well : ) (yes those will be sent out by me personally)

Next giveaway will be for 2 Clarisonic Mia 2s! (I will be doing my skincare videos and then after that I will close the week with the giveaway : ) (yes these were purchased and will be sent out by me)

If you DID win this giveaway for the Babyliss Pro Tourmaline Curling Iron....(WINNERS were not chosen by me they were picked by the company. if you go to youtube.com/ that winners user name you can check the channels)

YOU MUST MESSAGE ME HERE ON YOUTUBE WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND CURLING IRON SIZE CHOICE (you can choose here: http://www.flatironexperts.com/Babyliss-Flat-Iron-s/84.htm ) that I will then forward to http://flatironexperts.com as they are the ones who will be sending out the prizes directly! (which is a nice break for me since I normally buy and send out all the prizes on my own. : ) so thank you Flat Iron Experts for that!

CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS! Please let me know when you get your prize (either tweet, facebook or comment) that way I can keep track and make sure everyone gets theirs!