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Most Amazing Leotheras kill ever.

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Uploaded to YouTube by: PlatRules
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 1 December 2007



Xanadu versus Leotheras the Blind. Only 1 is destined to survive.

*World of Warcraft video by Platman - Alonsus*

*My addons for the ones interested*
Took me ages to find all the addons,and even longer to put them all in the right place, but Ill give you the names of them:

XPerl (Target/party frames)
Mappy (Map Mod)
Bartender (Spell, bag, etc. buttons)
Omen (Threat meter)
EePanels (Makes you able to make your own panels, like the one around my combat log, buttons, etc.)
SCT (ScrollingCombatText)
ECB (EeCastingBar)
DBM (Deadly Boss Mod - Timers/warnings for bosses)

You can get most of them at 'Curse'. (Just search 'wow addon' on google and you'll find it) Eepanels is probably not on that webpage, you will have to try to find it with google.