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PROMOÇÃO "SUAS TEORIAS": envie uma teoria e ganhe um DVD

In July 2021, YouTube set all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 to private (unless the channel owner had opted out). In the weeks leading up to this change, Archive Team archived many pre-2017 unlisted YouTube videos. If this video was uploaded before 2017 and has gone private, there is a chance that a 360p archived version can be viewed on archive.org via the site's Wayback Machine as follows:

1. Enter the YouTube URL in the Wayback Machine form or click on the following link:

2. Right-click on a blue entry in July in the calendar.

3. Click 'Copy link address'.

4. Paste the copied link address into your web browser's address bar and press enter.

Uploaded to YouTube by: Murilo Gun
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 21 June 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 17 June 2013



Envie sua teoria para [email protected]
Os autores das melhores teorias vão ganhar um DVD autografado e eu vou gravar um vídeo da teoria (com os créditos do autor, claro) _______

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