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Mixed Martial Arts Self Defense

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Uploaded to YouTube by: DTMUniversal
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 15 April 2007



Watch this video and more in FULL QUALITY at:

"The Mind of a Martial Artist"

Originally Released: Nov 2006


As a friendly reminder, this video isn't by any means a universal solve-all guideline to self defense, nor is it a 100% accurate representation of all moves/styles presented. Don't be too hell bent on criticizing the moves so much, 99% of the time when a move is presented "the way it's supposed to be done", the camera cannot catch it. With that in mind, the moves have been modified so that everyone can benefit from what is demonstrated here. This video was made for the general public; we're not masters nor are we claiming that we are.

Project Description:

This video is a martial arts self-defense demonstration that explores the martial artist's mind and the choices he/she has when they are to come across a dangerous scenario. The video is split into the minds of two martial artists whom represent two different size/weight categories; one smaller, one larger. They are thrown into situations that mimic real life danger such as an opponent coming from the front, back, and when you are attacked from a grounded position.

The moves demonstrated in the video are kept as realistic as possible most of the time, other times some flashier moves are thrown in to demonstrate a little bit of variety in the choices that a martial artist has (Judo throws, Taekwondo kicks, Wing Chun punches, etc). The more dangerous a situation becomes (for example, an attack coming from behind instead of an attack coming from the front), the more desperate/damaging the move becomes.

Only the moves that are most effective to a smaller/larger martial artist are demonstrated. The video never encourages a smaller individual to use a move that a larger individual would use, and vice versa. This is because for example, a smaller, faster individual is better at quickly striking an opponent's weak spots, while a larger, stronger individual is better at quickly grappling and locking an opponent into submission. If the situation was reversed, it is obvious to see that a smaller individual would probably have a harder time wrestling a larger opponent, and likewise the larger individual would benefit more if he skipped the striking process and grappled his opponent.

In keeping true to the video's objective, neither Danny (the smaller, faster martial artist) nor Dasol (the larger, stronger martial artist) performed moves that were outside of their size/weight category. Don't be fooled however, this does not mean Danny cannot or is unable to use grappling moves to his advantage or that Dasol cannot or is incapable of using strikes to his advantage; it was simply in the interest (the thesis) of the video that we demonstrate the most effective range of moves that are most suitable to the corresponding type of martial artist.