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Playthrough - Secret of Mana 01

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Uploaded to YouTube by: The Carlz0r
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 3 April 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 September 2007

Tags: video games


Yes... a third game... And one of my favorites, ever. This game is already being Let's Played by a SA forum member, but they are taking screenshots, instead of video.

In case you were all wondering why I became so obsessed in recent videos with audio recording, and quality, it was all for this game... The music is pretty great.

Super Bomberman 2 will be updated less regularly than usual, because I'm losing interest in it.. but we're like halfway through, so it should still be done within a week or two... Demon's Crest and SoM are going to be my primary Let's Plays, now.

This game is going to take a pretty long time.