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5 STRANGEST Things to Stop Traffic

Uploaded to YouTube by: ApexTV
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 18 October 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 2 August 2017



From mysterious creatures to strange occurrences you would never expect, this video takes a look at the top 5 strangest things to ever stop traffic. You won't believe what bizarre things have actually stopped traffic in real life.

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Sometimes traffic isn’t just stopped by a teenage girl on her cellphone. That’s why today on ApexTV we’re looking at five of the strangest things to stop traffic. We just hope you never have to experience one for yourself.

Duck Crossing
We’ve all had to stop traffic for some animals crossing. But very few of us had the experience that drivers had in China. For approximately a 1 kilometer along a busy highway, a farmer crossed his 5,000 ducks. Varying in sizes and ages, the pace was slow and shut down traffic for hours. According to the farmer the ducks reportedly roam back to the road at times in search for lunch.

A Giant Octopus
The Oxford Circus in London is one the biggest shopping areas in the entire city and traffic is already worse. Yet, on one particular day a giant octopus slowed it even more. A 2 meter tall fake octopus was found on the back of a trailer, which broke down in the middle of the busy London shopping street intersection. For hours the giant figure, which was supposedly en route to a World Cup event, halted cars right in their paths. Unfortunately, the octopus wasn’t real and it couldn’t do anything but annoy some English drivers.

Jimi Hendrix
The Woodstock Festival is often remembered as one of the greatest music meccas in the world’s history. When it was announced though, only 50,000 people were expected to show up. Yet, word of Jimi Hendrix upcoming performance spread, and suddenly nearly 500,000 jumped in their cars to hear him play. The eagerness led to traffic jams and thousands of people left their cars to see the guitar legend. Reportedly traffic stretched for over 10 miles and the musicians had to helicopter in. Talk about dedication to the music!

Giant Inflatable Minion
Only adding to the annoyance of middle-age woman sharing Minions meme was a giant Minion inflatable creating a traffic jam. The Despicable Me character was found fallen on the road in Dublin, Ireland after the restraints broke at a fairground. Luckily the twinkie-shaped character didn’t cause any damage beside a broken mirror. Later the Council officials made a great tweet, saying it was a “despicable breach of health and safety.” Needless to say, it’s perfect.

Barack Obama
Playing catch is regarded as a national pastime in the United States and has been romanticized for decades in literature and film. Former President Barack Obama is yet another who loves a good game of catch. After seeing kids at a local park, the president had is motorcade stop to play a quick game of catch. While the stop only lasted for 12 minutes it occurred during the afternoon rush hour. Enormous delays ensued because of the unscheduled stop.

That’s all we have for this list. Thanks for watching our video; 5 Strangest Things to Stop Traffic