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Who's Your Daddy? [Funny Moments w/ Friends] ►DADDY IS COMING!◄

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Bumbleworth
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 8 August 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 14 May 2016



► Whos Your Daddy Funny Moments with Friends! Get ready to be set on fire! Sounds horrible right? It is, but oh so fun. Pouring gasoline on one's self feels great. Check out the guys in this video at the links down below!

► Who's Your Daddy is a casual video game featuring a clueless father attempting to prevent his infant son from certain death.

► If you enjoyed this episode of Who's Your Daddy & want more baby fatalities, touch that LIKE button ever so gently!

► Want to be a Bumbly? Touch this---►http://goo.gl/5ABXWT

Games with Friends Playlist! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwQfGgfTkeI&list=PLd5UVNTAFm_uYqKvfXPKLIV5veVWJdDaM

FoulMouthProductions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKWB_3tq1KGHNVSmG_n7Dwg
DigitalDrew92: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalDrew92
BringDaKing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LJ2ncXsvUsAJE3Rqu5ZeQ
ROBLOX - Developer Description:
The daddy's goal is to prevent the baby from dying. He has a number of items that can be found inside the house to help him complete this task.
The daddy player faces a number of challenges, due to needing the knowledge of how to approach any danger his baby may be in. He needs to be alert, fast moving and prepared for anything if he wants to keep his son safe.
The baby's goal is to take his own life using whatever objects within the house he can get his little hands on.


I upload Mon-Sat! Always in 1080P 60FPS! So keep an eye on this channel for new things!

If you like the content, let me know! I want to hear your ideas on how the channel can improve or what you'd like to see added.

You can reach out to me on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook , G+, Instagram and Twitch as well!
Links below:

SHIRTS!----► http://www.shop.spreadshirt.com/BUMBLES

Twitter-----► http://twitter.com/bumbleworth
Facebook-► http://goo.gl/SMLXNl
G+------------► http://goo.gl/RzAldA
Tumblr-----► http://bumbleworth.tumblr.com
Instagram► http://instagram.com/bumbleworth/
Twitch------► http://www.twitch.tv/bumbleworth

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! Let's get weird on YouTube together my fellow Bumblies!

3D character models supplied by Long Winter Studios - Animated by Me
(Owl Sound)
Beating Wings by Justkiddink


"It's a Trap!!! 2"
Jack Elphick

Music used with permission from Epidemic Sound.