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API, Cloud, Web3: buzz words or silver bullets for the digital transformation?

Uploaded to YouTube by: Odoo
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 20 February 2024
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 12 October 2022



Digital transformation is often incorrectly associated with information system modernization programs.

This talk will present the lessons learned from several projects leveraging API, Cloud, or Web3. We will discuss using the modularity theory as a framework to help define an appropriate digital transformation strategy in an industry where ERP and digital platforms are taking a more prominent role. We will look at:

- What should determine a strategy;
- The culture needed to drive change;
- The technology to use for success; and
- The processes that work well within an organization to carry out a successful digital transformation.

The talk will then go over the actual implementation:
- Organizational readiness across business and technology;
- Best practices of agile transformation;
- Effective governance;
- Best practices around ‘going to market’ with new capabilities; and
- Examples of creating an engaging customer experience.