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Dealing with Depression - Just Needed To Talk

Uploaded to YouTube by: HikePlays
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 29 September 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 13 January 2017



Hey guys, I've got something a little different for you all today. For years now I've been telling you how I'm your best friend on Youtube, and how you're all friends to me, not just subscribers. At a certain point, I feel like I let that get away from me. I still said it, and I still meant it, but I wasn't following through on my end of the deal. I've been going through a lot over the last few months and years, and from a happiness standpoint, things haven't been great with me for a long time. And when I say I haven't been holding up my end, it's because I haven't been entirely honest with you when I stream.

I do my best to try and pretend everything is okay and be super upbeat at all times, because I feel like you all watch me because you want to enjoy yourselves, not to get dragged down with me when I'm feeling low. But over the last year, maybe even two years, I think I haven't been doing as good a job of hiding it as I thought I was. Some of you have reached out and asked, some public and some private, if everything was okay with me because something seemed off. And it turns out, you were all right.

This video is my attempt to put into words everything that I've been feeling for the last year or more. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay, but I think of you all as my friends, and you all mean a lot to me, so I want to be totally honest with you. I'm not the type to open up about myself often, but this was important to me.

And also, if you or someone you know is battling serious depression, there's always help. The hotline I mention in the video, the Veterans Crisis Line, is not just for vets, but for everyone, and they can be reached here:

•Make sure to Subscribe!!! https://goo.gl/Az5SEQ

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•Gear I use! https://goo.gl/xuYyYz

Check out:
• Grand Theft Alien - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYHMmsuNOK_eepXc98YiiYVPPiukvv_R2

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HikePlays is a YouTube Gaming streaming channel. We try to stream everyday and have daily uploads over on https://YouTube.com/HikeTheGamer. I play lots of games ranging from Grand Theft Auto to Ark: Survival! If you want to get ahold of me feel free to check me out on my Twitter page @HikeTheGamer! Thanks for checking out my channel!

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