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Uploaded to YouTube by: Grabbity
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 14 September 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 19 March 2017



Hello, Rabbit here!
I'm pleased to announce that my channel "MrRabbit" is going through some changes.

As most of you know I used to edit video games for the past few years but now I've started taking classes for a movie-making major in a Korean university I'm attending to.

I'm going to showcase my feature & future films and knowledge I've gathered throughout the classes on my channel which will not include video game content.

I've enjoyed my time working and creating video games content and it'll always have a place in my heart but I think it's time for me to approach a new path and I hope you guys will join in with me.

My channel is going through a rebrand currently and will be renamed to "RHIE" as it's my first name.

I hope you will respect the choices I'm making and stay with me through this new journey and see some of my new creations soon enough!

Other than that I Would like to thank, Dean, Silva, Suky, all of my team and especially you guys for making me grow and even taking a minute to watch my videos.

Thank you,
Rhie "MrRabbit"