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DRAGON BALL FighterZ_20181007060726

Uploaded to YouTube by: Clayton chapman
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 14 May 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 6 October 2018



I was able to actually get a 96% version of this on nappa. But didnt tape.. oh well... it was a bit more complicated and much more percise..


ive been thinking about doing a tag video focusing on trunks.. i know i said i want to do one focused on bad dudes, but again its hard to motivate myself. Once again shout outs to takes it raw and magic dude for trying to claim to everyone I took their stuff. While they are still doing stuff I did months ago. Idiotis claiming I took stuff they are doing now that I did back in the beta. Sometimes I wonder why I had to be good at something so stupid as video games oh well