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Graham/Emma | Signs

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Uploaded to YouTube by: hurleybird
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 August 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 2 March 2013



"I believe in anything that brings you back home to me"

I just couldn't wait for 2x17. I've been having a lot of emotions about Gremma especially now that there is so much going on in Emma's life romantically. I definitely ship Swan Thief/Swanfire endgame but these two will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't think I've ever had more than one OTP for the same character before but I guess that what happens on OUAT. Emma's just too damn shippable.

Reblog link: http://hurleybird.tumblr.com/post/44413843374/signs-graham-emma-i-believe-in-anything-that

This is an AU vid because I needed a happy ending. And the song is in Emma's POV, I just didn't feel like pitch-shifting.

Basic story: Emma and Graham have a little bit more of a relationship than they had time to explore on the show. But then Regina kills him and Emma is distraught. When she and Snow get sucked into the portal they end up in the past rather than the present Enchanted Forest. And - well you'll see...

I really wanted to make something that made up for what the writers have (and especially haven't done) in the aftermath of Graham's death. Here he has a funeral and Emma confronts Regina like she was supposed to.