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Multimovies | Surrender (PREVIEW)

Uploaded to YouTube by: lifexintechnicolour
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 September 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 9 February 2017



Yes, I have vidded this song.
No, I don't care.

I decided the other week that I wanted to vid multimovies & this happened. I am vidding it in sections, as you can see. I am yet to adjust the letterboxes on the movies, so excuse that. It's only been coloured.

I hope you enjoy this, whatever this is & if you want to suggest some movies below, please feel free to do so and I might include some :)

Also, I am SO close to 8K and I just wanna thank you guys. I will thank you properly in the future but right now, I am not vidding much. Just taking some time for myself and only vidding when I want & vidding what I want, taking back my love for it.
