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Space Sounds (Episode Extra) - Sound of the Big Bang

In July 2021, YouTube set all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 to private (unless the channel owner had opted out). In the weeks leading up to this change, Archive Team archived many pre-2017 unlisted YouTube videos. If this video was uploaded before 2017 and has gone private, there is a chance that a 360p archived version can be viewed on archive.org via the site's Wayback Machine as follows:

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Uploaded to YouTube by: It's Okay To Be Smart
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 May 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 31 May 2013



The very first radiation to escape after the Big Bang has been traveling outward for 13.8 billion years. This cosmic microwave background has been literally stretched over time, it's frequency and temperature lowering as the universe, and everything in it, expands
John G. Cramer from the University of Washington took the measurement data of the cosmic microwave background from ESA's Planck space telescope and converted the energy frequencies of the first 760,000 years of the universe into audible sound. He had to multiply it by 10^26 so we could hear it!

More of Cramer's mixes: http://dft.ba/-bigbangsounds
