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Uploaded to YouTube by: lafond66
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 30 October 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 September 2013



Please read this description for more details! I try to address a lot of your concerns! (i.e. leaving papers for others to read)

I love that you guys are concerned with A. Recycling (yes, it should have been recycled... I know) and B. that so many of you give him the benefit of doubt. That shows how awesome you all are! I'm serious, the fact that so many of you think this prick was trying to be nice by leaving his paper for the next rider shows that you (unlike him) are inherently good. Don't let anyone take that away from you!

I wish you could have seen our earlier exchange. I was politely trying to tell him to take his garbage with him, and he was resorting to childish name calling and refused to simply take his trash and throw it away. I decided to film him only after he made it very apparent through our initial conversation that he didn't care about whoever had to clean up after him, and displayed zero respect for these other people. So inconsiderate...

Here's how it could have gone down:
Me: Excuse me, I think you're forgetting something
His response:
1. take the paper and throw it out
2. explain that he leaves it for someone else if they want to read it

Instead he told me it wasn't his problem. I directly said "so you're going to make some poor minimum wage worker come through and clean up after you?", and he replied with "it's their job" and "somebodies' got to do it". He also resorted to childish name calling, calling me an asshole and a dick for trying to get him to take his garbage with him.

In NY, TONS of people guy and read the newspaper. Trust me, if you want one, you can find one. They're left all over the place and the garbage cans are filled with them. This train was at the last stop, and was going to a yard facility afterwords. No new passengers would board this train so leaving it behind doesn't make sense.

As I explained in the video, I do think following him to his car was taking things a bit far. If you notice in the video, I throw the newspaper out at the bottom of the stairs, and I stop as he walks away. I was going to turn back then, but in my anger at the utter lack of respect this guy displayed (and the fact that he tried to grab my camera, which is technically assault), I wanted his license plate. I usually don't take it that far.

Want to send me a letter or maybe some awesome drawing you made?
Brian Lafond
PO Box 14
Jersey City, NJ 07303

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Original Twin Towers photo by Andrew Fogg: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ndrwfgg/88157581/