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ShikaTema - Voice for You

In July 2021, YouTube set all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 to private (unless the channel owner had opted out). In the weeks leading up to this change, Archive Team archived many pre-2017 unlisted YouTube videos. If this video was uploaded before 2017 and has gone private, there is a chance that a 360p archived version can be viewed on archive.org via the site's Wayback Machine as follows:

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Uploaded to YouTube by: JudoCreature
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 April 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 27 October 2006

Tags: anime, AMV


My first AMV, I think I didn't suck too badly. I'm tryin'a download some actual animations so I can make real AMVs, but until then, fanart slideshows!

There's one or two pictures in here that decided to be blurry and I didn't notice it until I had saved the whole thing and I was too lazy to go back and fix it. Also, the credits decided to randomly commit suicide half-way through, which makes me want to throw things--but I won't because I'm a good girl.

This song is one of my favorite songs EVER, because not only is it catchy as hell, but it was sung by Temari's seiyuu; Paku Romi, and Shikamaru's seiyuu; Morikube Shoutaro. Much fan!spazzing from the ShikaTem fans on our side of the galaxy. *cough* Andy and I. *cough cough*

Speaking of which, this AMV is dedicated to that sly little wench, for both sending me the song and using her mind control to plant the idea into my head to make an AMV to it. I love ya, brat, stay a ShikaTem fan until death and beyond!

I found the pictures at the following places: Google, Deviant Art, Photobucket, and Advanced Anime. I don't want to get ANY comments asking where I got the pictures, you hear?

I hope all you little ShikaTem fangirls out there enjoy this. Ja ne!
