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[PS4] Dark Souls 3 Invasions (Live On Twitch & YouTube)

Uploaded to YouTube by: StrayKurtis
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 August 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 December 2017



Ahhh, dreaded Monday. Shall we forget about the work day with some invasions?

Mark your calendars folks, 24 hour stream to celebrate 2K subs. Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3!

Follow on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/straykurtis)
Follow on Twitter (https://twitter.com/StrayKurtis)
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Join us in chat on Discord (https://discord.me/StrayKurtis)

==Past Donations==
Anonymous" badass - $1,370
Asa Davis - $173.88
JMLee - $200
_justRenzo - $21
DoctorButts - $6
yodog - $5
Izic - $100
OOPS - $20
Chris LaRose - $20
JoeLionKing - $20
Wombat - $15
Slayer777 - $10
HARDSenSaTion - $5
peck431 - $5
ClassicStu - $5
Vulcan Cawk - $88
DZnk23 - $15
Mr.Mancc - $6.60
Its Hero Reborn - $10
Edie Jordan - $2
Carlos Rome220 - $16
Adamant Panda - $15
Blackrock215 - $14.69
Death - $5
AscendingGarbage - $5
Zamasu - $3
Lakadia - $1
Games Lover - $1
Rofl D Bob - $1.14

==Donations(AKA The Casul Fund)==
Donate here if you'd like!
Credit/Paypal/Debit: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/straykurtis
Alternatively you can donate via SuperChat using the "$" icon in the bottom left corner of the chat window. (Desktop/Android/Google Play only)

==Chat rules==
1) No bigotry, period.
2) Don't be a dick to people in the chat - if you absolutely feel the need to harass me that is fine, but leave the visitors alone.
3) Give your caps lock key a rest

==Chat commands==
!schedule - Stream schedule
!builds - An incomplete list of builds used on this stream.
!discord - Link to our Discord server
!donate - Info on donating
!quote - Display a random quote from our lovely community
!pw - Duel/arena/co-op password
!specs - My PC specs.
!twitter - Follow me, you know you want to.
!lennyface - self explanatory.