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"If I Was The President" Lazer Lloyd

Uploaded to YouTube by: Lazer Lloyd
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 26 November 2022
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 13 November 2018

Tags: music, country music


I want a make a statement today - the day after Veterans Day - that we should make sure to remember our veterans every day and not just Veterans Day. As I travel around America it is staring me in the face that there are too many homeless veterans and too many vets with physical and mental ailments who are not getting enough attention and help from the government. We need to make it the top priority that we are focusing on every day of the year - not one day of the year. This is something beyond political lines - for veterans are of all parties, all colors, creeds and religions and they all have one goal of protecting our freedom.

"If I Was The President" Lazer Lloyd