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Animatic Stream w/ GAMERS 6/26/2019

Uploaded to YouTube by: Noodle
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 21 March 2022
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 22 June 2019



Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/legitimatenoodle


Q: I have no idea who you are but your stream was recommended to me or something
A: That's kinda weird but alright
I have a channel where I make animations and talk about videogames, check it out if you want

Q: Who's the other guy?
A: Probably Braeden. You might have seen him in a few videos of mine, or in my basement.

Q: What program do you use?
A: The Adobe Suite. You're probably looking at Animate CC.

Q: What do you play music with?
A: Google Play music

Q: Can I be a mod?
A: No, please don't ask. All current mods are personal friends who I trust.

Q: How is your mouth moving in sync?
A: idk what ur talking about thats a webcam

Q: Do you have a public discord server?
A: https://discord.gg/HUSmeRX

Q: What's your streaming schedule?
A: When I feel like it
I plan to make an actual one at some point, hopefully. I'll let you know if/when that happens

Q: Do you do commissions?
A: Not really, but you can always email me if you have something in mind

also hey please don't spam or blast slurs in the chat, it'll earn you a big fat mute

thanks bby xoxo