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Unlisted Acoustic Life video

Uploaded to YouTube by: Acoustic Life
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 March 2022
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 February 2017



Watch the guitar workshop: https://bit.ly/3zh7jZV

Whether you are coming back to the guitar after a long time away or you play a lot but you play the exact same things over and over again. What you really need is the next lightbulb moment to break you out of that guitar rut. So let me show you the three acoustic building blocks that will help you ditch the typical learning curve and experience consistent and reliable progress every time you pick up the guitar.

The first building block is basic Fret Board navigation. You learn the musical alphabet and then layer on the two essential patterns so you can find any note on the Fret Board without ever getting lost again. The second building block, is the basics of technique and body mechanics. This includes the fundamentals of pic approach, fretting and body tension management so that you can limit injury, play buzz free and increase accuracy. And the third building block, how to incorporate the science of habit and learning so you can apply everything you learn to a daily and weekly routine, which keeps you excited and experiencing consistent and reliable progress on your guitar.

So here’s the deal, I’m going to be putting on a free online acoustic guitar workshop where I’m going to be teaching each of these building blocks in extreme detail. So before you start watching another guitar video, go ahead and click the link and register for this free online acoustic guitar workshop. It could be the best thing you’ve done for your guitar playing journey.