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Murphy & Raven | Take Me To Church

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Uploaded to YouTube by: hurleybird
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 11 September 2020
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 26 December 2014

Tags: Take Me To Church, Murphy, Raven, Raven Reyes, hurleybird, The 100


"I was born sick but I love it"

I can't even explain this but I just watched the 100 (LOVE this show) and I'm kinda obsessed with Murphy? And his relationship with Raven?

This is part Murphy character study, part Murphy/Raven vid. I don't even know if I'm rooting for a redemption arc for him, but either way he and Raven have this intense, messed up relationship that I absolutely love. Their scenes in 2x01 were just so so good, and yeah...I ship it.

There are some AU parts in here, some wishful future thinking lol but mostly it's canon. I thought the lyrics just fit them both so well. Hope you all enjoy! :)