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Character Voiceacting Audition - (Tales of the Alfa Legion: The Screaming Night)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Bruva Alfabusa
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 18 September 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 21 October 2012




If you would like to try your hand at voiceacting one of the characters in the game (Algidus, Terencus or Frysen), please follow what is said in the video, and these guidelines. Depending on what character you chose to try and voice, you'll havta' say different things, with different kinds of voices. And yes, you may try them all, but you can only be chosen for 1.

Algidus Lines:

Algidus should have a very regular voice, as he still is very young for a Space Marine (Think the newlings in the movie Ultramarines like Proteus).
"Finally here! About time too. Rhinos are not the most pleasurable of rides..."
(should be said in a normal, not so special type of voice)
"Destroy them all!"
(should be said in an aggresive but still cheerful and heated voice)
(should be shouted with vigour and zeal)

Terencus lines:

Terencus is old and grizzled, so he should therefore have an old and grizzled voice. Raspy and Blumish is naturally accepted, but being innovative and fresh with this voice would also be fun!
"You could be dead right now if I wanted to."
(Should be said in a serious voice, with alittle bit of anger and annoyance.)
"Getting into position"
(When saying this, pretend that you are reporting in to someone.)
"For the Emperor!"
(Should be said with the zeal and fury of a veteran of hundreds of battles!)

Frysen lines:

Frysen's voice should be calm and deep, like the kind of voice you would like to hear read a book before you sleep. Note; like with the Librarian in DOW1, it should not be devoid of all emotion.
"Greetings Commander, I heard you were in need of psychic abilities..."
(Yeah, normal voice, alittle tease to the end.)
"Ready to be unleashed upon our foe."
(Calm and collected, alittle menacing.)
"For the EMPEROR!"
(Release the brutality of the Librarium!)

When you have recorded the voicelines in Audacity or whatever, export them as .wav files and send them to this e-mail adress: [email protected]
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment-section of this video or send a PM!

Thank you, Emprah bless!

Music by Kevin MacLeod - Incompetech