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L5R Emperor Edition Phoenix Deck

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Uploaded to YouTube by: gamerslayer665
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 27 November 2015
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 3 June 2013

Tags: trading card games, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R


Gameslayer665 talks about his Legend of the Five Rings (L5R), Phoenix deck. Legend of the Five Rings (l5r) is a trading card game that has been in production almost as long as Magic the Gathering.

It was introduced in 1995, and has a Japanese samurai mixed with magical fantasy theme. Each player has a dynasty deck and a fate deck.

Holdings and personalities are the two main card types found in a dynasty deck. Holdings are like Magic the Gathering's land, but may have a cost. Holdings are used to produce gold which is used as a currency. Personalities are used in battles and duels. Instead of drawing the dynasty cards into your hand, one dynasty card is placed in each province. A holding/personality can be placed by paying its gold cost, after which a new dynasty card is placed into the province.

The fate deck, is the deck that players draw cards into their hand from. The fate deck includes card types such as items, spells, and followers (which are attached to personalities to alter their stats/abilities); and strategies (which are discarded from the hand for a temporary effect).

The game has four different victory conditions:
1. Military victory - You destroy all of your opponent's provinces.
2. Honour victory - You begin your turn with 40 or more honour points.
3. Dishonour victory - Your opponent's honour is reduced to -20 or below.
4. Enlightenment victory - You acquire all five ring cards.

There are various clans (such as the Dragon Clan, Mantis Clan, Phoenix Clan, Crab Clan etc.) that the personalities can belong to. Each clan has characteristics which favour some strategies and/or victory types over others.

See: List of long running trading card games