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XYZ Episode 1 :: Chapter 6 - Other Theories

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Sancarn
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 17 February 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 June 2015



It has come to my attention that Selulance and I missed some key points about Sharir, Nasm and Myren's methodology of finding precise piston timings. Feel free to read the rebottles in the comments section but from now this video will remain unlisted, as it seemed to more so instigate aggression than discussion.

XYZ Episode 1 - Chapter 1:

XYZ Episode 1 - Chapters 2 to 5

XYZ Episode 1 - Chapter 6


Recently there have been many people discovering and trying to explain the phenomena we explained in our previous videos. In this video we are going to look at one of these theories, explore where it appears to be correct but also explain the exceptions to the rules they have stated. We believe that these exceptions disprove the theories they talk about. However tell us what you think! Perhaps we just missed something huge!

Creators of the theory we are going to discuss:
Sharir - www.youtube.co.uk/user/Sharir1701
Myren - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-wR4ekYCWwbIuqwGe1H9vg
Nasm - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sI6CY2QyxYB3bufl4xZ4A

Feel free to take a look at our data with the spreadsheet provided in the links below. Our test world, “The Gallery”, is also downloadable in the links below including the script that we used to record our voices (with pictures included!). This may help you all out in understanding what we are talking about on a deeper level.

The Input Bug Spreadsheet:

The Gallery - World Download:

The Input Bug Script:

Everything in this video is purely based upon our observations and tests, and are likely to contain mistakes and/or misleading information. If you find any, feel free to point them out in the comment section below, as new information is essential for furthering our understanding of how Minecraft works!


Ambient music by Purple Planet

Selulance’s Music: