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Sugardome (Night) - Town - Wii U Fanmade Music - Paper Mario: The Rewind Chronicles

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Renzo S.
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 October 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 2 July 2016

Tags: music, video games music


This is fanmade music of a fanmade game concept. It is not official and is made just for fun.

The Sugardome is an interesting place. With French-style chocolate architecture and waffle streets, it's certainly quite a tasty place. However, when Peach arrives, she gets caught up in a whole criminal conspiracy within the area, and must defend an innocent man in court. Of course, she has to do some investigating of her own to catch the real crooks. This is the theme that plays while Peach is investigating the brightly lit streets of the city, which is always the night portion of the Chapter, as the day portion is spent in court.