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- Damon & Elena: Goodbye, my Damon (AU)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: xStormyProdz
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 July 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 25 April 2014



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»...Goodbye my, Damon...«

AU story:
Elena chooses Stefan and not
Damon! Damon refuses to be her
friend! A while later he is trying
to forget the fact while he is driving!
Sadly, he has a car accident! The next
day Elena tries to find Damon. Stefan tells
her that he's dead! Elena can not believe it!
She is desperate! Finally they are doing a
funeral to him!

So, finished it in one day! I had inspiration
but then I didn't know what I was doing..
My manips and my voicecovers are
awful..Sorry guys!

Wanna dedicate this to some amazing persons
and big DE fans:
Kitty Kat
& iForeverYooung

Hope you guys like it!

˙·٠• - Thank you for watching ! - •٠·˙

- Song: /watch?v=Vi35XQjFV_A
- Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
- Program:Sony Vegas 11
- Coloring: DiamondCappy & Mine
- Inspiration: -