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Secret of Mana - Into the Thick of It (Duet with Lara)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Aivi Tran
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 17 December 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 February 2012

Tags: music, video games music, piano


Exciting news - lara6683 came to visit San Francisco last weekend all the way from Sydney, and we recorded some videos together! Lara is an EXTREMELY talented pianist and arranger, and jamming with her was such a special treat out of the ordinary. Here's the first of many surprises from that weekend, our version of "Into the Thick of It" from the wonderful Secret of Mana soundtrack by Hiroki Kikuta.

It took about 30 minutes total for us to come up with this and record the video. It happened so naturally! 8Amaterasu8 and GermanSeabass were in the room as well filming us - we all hung out that day and had a blast jamming.

Check out Lara's channel: http://youtube.com/lara6683

Website: http://aivitran.com
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