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Tarby - The Wings You Earned

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Tarby's Basement
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 June 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 10 September 2011

Tags: music


Interpretation of Scootaloo's Wings by Jackle App. Should be fun! xD

Jackle App's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JackleApp?blend=3&ob=5
Original song: http://soundcloud.com/jackle-app/scootaloos-wings

Art by RizCifra: http://rizcifra.deviantart.com/art/Scootaloo-210376230
SOUNDCLOUD/DOWNLOAD: http://soundcloud.com/tarbyrocks/the-wings-youve-earned-vinyl

So I see that you're still stuck on the ground
Caught down there all warm and safe and sound
I know what it's like to be down there
dreaming of the sky and open air

One day soon I just know you'll see
Raise your head and smile for me
Laugh about your history
Learn just what you're meant to be

You sigh and always try to play it cool
But deep inside, you still feel like a fool
The world's so big, and you, you feel so small
Wondering if you should try at all

Well, Tomorrow's not til today is gone
Live the moment, don't take long
Smile for impending dawn
Forget the troubles you think on

Is it time to break the mold?
Are you doing what you're told?
Go ahead, you can be bold.
Live for living, don't be cold!
When your final days have come
Smile at the mile's you've run
Come on, have a little fun
Spread your wings your time has come!

Sitting, hoping for the wings you've earned
Silent as the fire in you burned

Brush away the dust and ash
On your shoulders from the past
Smile at the things that last
Feel the beat, your dice are cast
Stroke of luck, or fate, rejoice
Now you finally have a choice
So prove them wrong, that much is true
Just wait another day