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Finding Kayleigh: A Mini-documentary

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Uploaded to YouTube by: JerryLiuFilms & Fun
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 23 November 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 15 February 2016



I don't even know where to get started with this. I met Kayleigh in 2012 when I was in LA for the summer. I was such a wuss and also very ignorant of female nature. I just didn't make the move when she really wanted me. I've regretted it for a long time. It was always in the back of my mind. In 2015, when I went back to Philadelphia to try my hand at working a 9-5 again, I decided to try to find her (as a sort of artistic sideproject to balance my lack of artistic day-jobness). I started working on this documentary in Philadelphia in October when I was bored. I was trying to make a seemingly cute/investigative documentary. But it never really found its wings and never took off. What you get is a Docuception(?)-type work much like my first documentary. Last night, I suddenly lost interest in this and decided to conclude it. It makes no sense to work on it, even in my spare time, because there's so many great women in the LA area. She was a great girl, and we would have had a lot of fun together, but it didn't work out. Embrace the truth and keep growing as a person.

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~Jerry Yue Liu | 悦视角 | LiuTube

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