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Forrest Power: 2 Flawless MOABS: Top 5 Commentators

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Forrest Power
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 31 May 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 April 2012





Hey guys. I'm trying to get a lot of vids up this week because I'm on Easter break and this is the latest of them. The commentary focuses on my top 5 commentators - basically, who I like the watch the most on Youtube and, just as importantly, WHY. I think it's interesting to try to dissect your viewing habits: what is it that you look for from your Youtube subscriptions? Have a think and let me know!

Here's my top 5:


The accompanying gameplay features to flawless MOABs that I hit - one on Mission and one on Hardhat. Both are TDM games.

So, yeah, let me know about your top 5 commentators and, also, if you'd be interested in seeing me do a top 5 smaller channels commentary.

Hope you're having a great week!

Thanks again!