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DBFZ goku double air dash assist link.. its ok i guesss

Uploaded to YouTube by: Clayton chapman
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 11 August 2020
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 25 October 2018



Trying to think of something cool i can do with this but meh... You can do at the final air dash k, to kamehameha , land link to something but the combo is just so long not much works after it when you do that. I wanted to do somethign like jump l, l, hurricane kick, jump, m, h, l hurricane kick, downwards super, trunks super, link level 3 throw gimmick but even that is to long.. meh

but i like the air dash links off assists since no one is doing that kinda stuff still and its not that hard so i guess maybe its fun enough to keep fo ra video

on a random note i still see people complaining about freeza disc stuff, this stuff really is not as impossible as people are making it out to be
