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Don't Fall for these Lies About the Immune System | Eric Edmeades

Uploaded to YouTube by: Mindvalley
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 24 October 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 17 March 2021



Join Eric Edmeades in this FREE, brand new masterclass and discover how to build a strong immune system for improved health, faster healing and better lifespan. Click here now:https://go.mindvalley.com/0ScOryQ7

Demystifying the biggest immune system lies

In this video, Eric Edmeades demystifies the myths and lies around the immune system that are perpetrated on the internet. For instance, did you know that dosing up on vitamin C or D can affect your immune system negatively? Also, did you know that you can actually strengthen the immune system, contrary to popular belief? There’s a lot of lies about immunity that are unverified and straight-up dangerous. But in this video, Eric Edmeades debunks them and explains the mechanics of how the immune system works. Watch this video now to learn about the immune system and how it really works.

About Eric Edmeades:

Eric Edmeades is an award-winning international speaker, author, and pioneer in the field of evolutionary biology, nutritional anthropology, and behavioral change dynamics.

Eric guides people towards profound and lasting health breakthroughs through science-based protocols that deliver results far beyond the ordinary: a gift he has been widely recognized for.

For example, in 2018 he was awarded a medal by the Speaker of the Canadian Senate for his work in improving the quality of people’s lives.

In 2017, Eric’s WILDFIT methodology was exclusively licensed to Mindvalley due to the dramatic effect it had on the health of over 100 Mindvalley team members (WILDFIT is now one of Mindvalley’s best selling wellness programs).

His achievements have also earned him an award from the Transformational Leadership Council: a panel of 150 of America’s top visionaries in health, wellness, and peak performance.

About the masterclass: “Strengthen Your Immune System”

You’ll discover:

What leading-edge science really says about immunity in the modern age - Due to recent global events, it’s now more important than ever to keep yourself and your loved ones protected through accurate information.

How you’re unknowingly suppressing your immunity - Your daily habits and choices play a tremendous role in your immunity. And these common “innocent” habits can leave you far more vulnerable to disease and illness.

The 3 myths you’ve been told about your immune system - The media and even some medical professionals continue to spread these misconceptions - and left unaddressed, they can be devastating to public health.

Breathing your way to better immunity - This scientifically proven breathing technique takes just seconds a day - but doing it regularly will make a tremendous positive impact on your immune system.

Is your exercise routine helping or hurting you? - The way you move and work out can either strengthen or weaken your immunity. Use these simple guidelines to optimize your exercise (and discover an immunity-boosting exercise you can perform at your work desk in a few short minutes).

FREE Masterclass: Discover how to boost your immune system for an extraordinarily long, healthy & fulfilling life with this brand new, FREE masterclass from Eric Edmeades. Click here to watch it now:https://go.mindvalley.com/0ScOryQ7


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