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Virgin America Presents: The Red Carpet Premiere of BLAH Airlines Flight 101

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Uploaded to YouTube by: VX
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 16 August 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 16 April 2015



On April 10, Virgin America teamed up with the Dallas International Film Festival (DIFF) for the big screen premiere of the airline’s critically-acclaimed “BLAH AIRLINES FLIGHT 101," a five hour and forty-five minute film set on board a BLAH Airlines flight - the boring, beige and dull antithesis of the innovative and stylish experience when flying Virgin America. Any festival-goer who made it through the entire 5 hour and 45 minute film screening, scored 2500 Elevate points – or the equivalent of a reward flight – so they can avoid flying “BLAH” on their next trip.