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The Cliff (Resident Evil Version)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: REsidentVille
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 September 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 29 April 2008

Tags: Resident Evil


The Story
Mission: Save the President's daughter

Chris Redfield Drops his hip gear then tries to jump but falls after hit by a rock
Brad Vickens rides his heli but too much weight made the cliff broke and fell shredded to pieces by the propeller
Joseph Frost peeks in but a dog bit him and both fell
Barry appeared but says that he needs a sandwich
James Marcus peeks in also
Billy Coen tries to push James but James bowed down making Billy falling James pukes leeches
Rebea shoots James but slips from the foot of James and fell making James fell also
Steve Burnside Shoots the ground making him levitating but run out of ammo and fell
Claire appears with a valve that made a bridge but it got stuck and tossing Claire away and killing her by the valve that sprung out and fell
Ark Thompson rides his heli but goes down before landing making the heli uncontrollable smashing him to the edge of the cliff and making the heli fly away
Jill Valentine tries a big jump but slips on Ark's blood falling
Tofu and Hunk appeared with hunk on top but tofu suddenly stopped making Hunk fall unnoticed
Tofu tried to climb down but when he held on Ark they both fell killing him
Nemesis Shoots his way from the underground but noticed a metal lining and got smashes by the rock over him
Jack Krauser tries to make a big jump mutating his arm for a safe decent but he sliced to far making him under it then squashed!
Alexia ashford shows her skill at fire then turns into a moth like monster flying through but U3 suddenly appeared from nowhere pulling them both downward killing them
Ada Wong appears then uses her grapple gun but was to weak making her fell
Albert Wesker makes a dashing performance passing the cliff but was shot by Leon thinking that he may hurt Ashley
Leon explains that he just went on a restroom break but which Ashley forgot
The uncontrolled heli of Ark rashes into everybody but Wesker seemed to survive