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LIVE: Protests in Rochester after video showing Black man killed by police

Uploaded to YouTube by: Ruptly
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 18 October 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 3 September 2020



Protesters take to the streets of Rochester on Thursday, September 3, to demonstrate against racism and police brutality following the release of a video that shows police covering Daniel Prude’s head with a "spit sock" and holding him on the ground before he stopped breathing.

The footage, released on Wednesday by Prude’s family, combines shots of various Rochester PD officer’s bodycam during the incident involving the Black man. Prude was having a mental health episode on March 23 when his brother Joe called the Rochester Police Department for help. The man, who lived in Chicago and was in Rochester to visit family members.

Prude died March 30 after he was taken off life support.