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(soccer) Little Mike: Final snack theme

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Uploaded to YouTube by: TheHeroOfKoridai
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 May 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 2 September 2011



Round 2 with TheZitronen
I'd like to thank MrYTPMV for gifting me Portal 2

About the video:
I wanted to experiment some basic 3d visuals with Cinema 4D (that explains why there are a lot of cubes in there) but that's it since the other "visuals" are just a bunch of screen flipping
I tried also to apply some audio effects to some samples (with awful results as you can hear from the bass sample)
Overall it's been funny working on this project and I actually put some effort in it this time. Enjoy.

Sources: REMIX CONTEST!, EMERGENCY, Recensione Film: Blood Freak
BGM: Little nemo: Final boss theme

(wow this is the longest description I've ever written)