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Zero Disease 6 - Dr. Stephen West, DL, PMD* [non-secular]

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Clarity University
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 24 April 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 29 January 2008



Disclaimer: *DL (Doctor of Lymphology), PMD (Doctor of Preventive Medicine) are Non-Secular, Non-Licensed & Non-Medical doctorates. Acid/Alkaline environment biggest secrets. New York garbage strike. Lymphology is purificaton and immune system. Instant pain relief in reflexology points - has to instantly send healing energy to every organ and every part of the body. Iridology. Less than 1/2 Medical schools in the United States today than before the AMA and FDA were established. Control vs. Freedom. Darkness vs. Light. Scientific formula for life vs.formula and death. Starlings hypothesis was proven false in 1930 at Harvard and again in 1948 at Tulane and 1960 at Mississippi medical schools, by Dr's Cecil K Drinker, H S Mayerson, Arthur C Guyton. And published in Scientific American journal in June of 1963, American Medical Association official journal in December of 1963 and Readers Digest in January of 1964. Then the largest medical research project ever pulled off in history was conducted in 1966, which buried it! Because the by-laws technically and specifically made the ISL (International Society of Lymphology) organization so it wasn't a pure medical organization - knowing that medical doctors (who's work hadn't already been published) would no longer be allowed to publish their work in the scientific avenues, such as Scientific American. So in 1966 they decided it wasn't their cup of tea and in 1967 Dr West was inspired to go back to school with 6 kids to teach people how to heal themselves and was let to the truth which had been buried, carry the work forward. They dropped the ball in '66 and we've been running with it ever since. What doctors do know and why they say, "You're just not supposed to" The relationship between excess fluid (lack of oxygen) and all health issues.