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Hitler gets Netflix and hits the internet cap

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Uploaded to YouTube by: FightingInternet
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 May 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 8 February 2011

Tags: comedy


Hitler gets Netflix and hits Rogers' internet cap.

Stop Bell and Rogers from fleecing Canadians, go to http://stopthemeter.ca/

Footage from The Downfall (2004), Copyright © 2004 Constantin Film AG, portions published under Fair Use, Title 17, U.S.C., Section 107.



Hulu, Pandora, and CBS are still inaccessible.
But Netflix has expanded into Canada last year here and here.
We're getting screwed in online content.
CTV and CBC streaming is stone age, but at least it's there.

We can get by just watching everything on Netflix.

My Furher...
Rogers claims we've gone over our monthly cap.
and Rogers has cut us off.

Anyone who's over 50, doesn't seed, or lives in Saskatchewan, get out.

Monthly usage caps!?
What good is Netflix if I can't even watch it!?

NBC won't let me watch SNL clips on their website.
I can watch the ads though...

Now I get Netflix and Rogers tells me they want more money.
I could understand if this was ten years ago.

I pay for 15mbps so I can watch movies, not read the news!

My Furher, you can download more if you pay $2/GB over your cap.

$2/GB!?!? Are you drunk!? I'm not made of money!

My Furher, it's only fair since you're a heavy user.

Bell and Rogers are colluding and I'm being unfair!?

We're the laughing-stock of the developed world.
The Australians are getting a national gigabit network.
We can't even mistype a URL without Rogers hijacking the 404 page.

15mbps with an 80GB cap for $60/month! That's 12 hours of downloading for the WHOLE MONTH.

It's like paying for their cable package, but only being able to watch it for 24 minutes a day!
Is that why these skunks are doing this, so I'll keep my cable package?!
I can't even watch the goddamn Super Bowl commercials because they're simulcast with idiotic ads for BMO.

What am I supposed to do?

I refuse to sit at Second Cup and leech their WiFi like some grad student.

First the iPhone.
What the hell can I do on a 500MB mobile plan!? Are you kidding me!

$2/GB!!! It's cheaper to have it sent to me on a Solid State Drive and then throw it away. It's costing them a penny per gigabyte. Even Apple has more decency when it comes to markup.

This is worse than when Bell had a monopoly on phone service.

It's ok, no one uses home phones anymore.

I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise. We already pay more for everything else; cars, electronics.

Stupid dollar.

Let's go to Blockbuster.

Netflix doesn't even mail DVDs here, but Rogers does. They have a cap on how many they'll mail per month.

Maybe I'll buy an antenna.

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