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【TTB-R1】Kanashimi no Nami ni Oboreru / かなしみのなみにおぼれる【ᙠackᙠeat】

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Angela
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 January 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 13 July 2014

Tags: music


[7/11/14, 11:02 PM'> A N G E L A: I can't hear properly anymore and I don't know if anything sounds alright anymore LOLOL, so I think I'll....yes, this will be the final mix

[7/11/14, 11:02 PM'> Pepper Man Ryan: There's one thing you should add. I'm going to send you a file of me saying "I am very sexy" and just put that in randomly about 20 times throughout the mix

[7/11/14, 11:03 PM'> DJNightmare: KANA "I am very sexy" SHIIIII MI NO


36 vocal tracks, 22+ hours of mixing, 10+ hours of animation, and however many tears were shed later, we've got a thing!

We definitely are drowning in a wave of sadness.


Please help.


But all joking aside, here's our first entry for TTB! This is my first chorus battle, and it's the first time for the rest of our members as well (excluding Wind because he's the wind, thus he's everywhere all at once). We had a lot of fun doing this too - I'm incredibly proud of all of the members for their hard work, and I hope you enjoy listening to our version of "Kanashimi no Nami ni Oboreru"! (Try and see how much symbolism you can get out of this PV ;D)

♛ W H Y A R E W E B A C K B E A T ? ♛

The "backbeat" of a song is the unexpected emphasis of an off-beat (think the "2" in "1, 2, 3, 4"). We chose this term as our group name because we want to be the Dark Horse in the competition - none of us, besides Wind, have participated in a chorus battle before or anything of the sort, but we plan on doing our best and showing what we're made of. Just like how a backbeat comes into a song completely unexpected and strong, we want to make the same kind of impact on this competition as a team of newbies. The B's are backwards to accentuate this, and because it looks freaking cool. As a sidenote, the first initials of our singers spell out "WAR". That is also freaking cool.

♛ T H E M E ♛

Round 1's theme is the quote "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" - the common answer to this riddle is that "Poe wrote on both", referring to the eclectic 19th century poet Edgar Allen Poe. His arguably most famous poem, The Raven, details a man who, having lost his lover Lenore, slowly goes insane on the night a raven flies into his room and chants Lenore's name, along with the word "nevermore". His despair at the thought of never seeing her again, along with the madness brought on by the raven's incessant nagging, fit perfectly with our song choice, "Kanashimi no Nami ni Oboreru". The song's lyrics depict someone who "drowns in sadness" because of his futile love. His heartache begins to eat away at him, changing his view on life into one that sees it as utterly useless - as one line says, he "threw it (life) away with the morning garbage". Both of the characters above spiral into depression and madness, a common theme among Poe's works, and even more relatably do so because of an obsessive love that can be "nevermore".

♛ C R E D I T S ♛

Angela | https://www.youtube.com/user/kamisamaangela
Ryan (GrayFox) | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA89qP5tMSnaEg-ZtQTMBUA
Wind | https://www.youtube.com/user/TheKazeOokami

千● ⋏ ●晶 (character art) | http://mooncchi.deviantart.com/
Mushroom (PV art) | http://instagram.com/baka_mushroom

Hani | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUjEKvTYD-p3NXoYl_-np3w
Night | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUlph10wEcuM1LiSn_NyDXg

Mixer (Timing, Tuning): Angela
Organizer: Angela
Script: Angela
PV Storyboard: Angela
Mp3: https://app.box.com/s/w8a2579ygirpjsc3ndb6
Script: http://goo.gl/8qaYHP

Music & Lyrics: Neru | mylist/15619229
Piano: Daikyoukin (大胸筋) | mylist/18470138
Original Illustration & Video: Ryuusee (りゅうせー) | mylist/7985102
Original Sound Manipulation: Tomodachi Boshuu-P (友達募集P) | mylist/22904031

Raven Flying Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nuo2eyhBAd0

Intro is an excerpt from "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe

We own nothing but our voices and kaNASHIIIIIIMI NOOOOO NAMII NIIIII-

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