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【B*SBR R1】 Re-Education // 再教育 【TRASHCANS】

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Kusabi Tsuka
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 10 July 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 12 February 2016

Tags: 日本語, 音楽, music, Japanese music


song is +5 8'D


Interpretation: "The greatest thrill is not to kill but to let live" - From the theme we have concluded that for us to truly enjoy life, we have to keep living on. Although there will be harsh obstacles along the way, we can’t just give up on life but to go on. If we just stop there then how will we know if it'll be alright in the end?
The song “Re-Education” we chose begins with a girl trying to end her life by jumping off a roof, next, she met a boy who used to be suicidal as her. As the song goes on, the boy is trying to tell her it’s useless to end it, as life is more meaningful to have challenges, that’s what makes humans stronger. In the end, the girl decides to follow the boy and burn her old memories and create new ones.


Acapella: https://app.box.com/s/il9nalskdc38cam...
Final Mix: https://app.box.com/s/8bhsbiq5ahkbwxf...

Mixer:me yooooo
Art: Yuki
Animator: Kiki --https://www.youtube.com/user/pocketst...

(has left) Hasu:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw2A...
(replacing Hasu) Kusabi: you are here doe :A;

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