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Uploaded to YouTube by: npesta
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 5 June 2023
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 15 March 2021



If you are wondering why I'm not on Twitch, watch this: https://youtu.be/60tb28yO6Ek
Streaming on YT until I can get my Twitch back :) Thanks for watching!

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xkzy5Z_46OjVDqr8_bCYyUY_pnhUa31ssdkVBv6XwQg/edit?usp=sharing (a bit behind cause lazy, will update soon)

FAQ (Might be expanded upon in the future)

Q: How old are you?
A: 18.

Q: How tall are you?
A: 6'2, or 188 cm.

Q: Why aren't you listening to the actual song?
A: I prefer playing the game without listening to the same song over and over again. I don't use rhythm to play GD.

Q: What other games do you play?
A: I play a lot of Osu!Mania/Etterna and Minecraft. Don't really have time to play much outside that.

Q: What do you do in Osu!Mania/Etterna?
A: I have a second channel where I upload all of my favorite plays! You can check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgVciM5Kp_ubNMJsqjm0wzw

Q: What do you do in Minecraft?
A: https://twitter.com/Jjustalex_/status/1364030011666288647?s=20

Q: Where are you?
A: In the basement. I was in the attic, but since that is where my brother does school, I can't stream up there anymore.

Q: Why aren't you in college?
A: I was for a few months. But since classes started to go full online due to the pandemic, I could no longer keep up with the curriculum. I am going into cybersecurity, which means that a good chunk of my learning is in programming. I struggled very hard to learn programming fully online, so I decided to come home to wait out the pandemic.

Q: When do you think you'll stop streaming?
A: I'll stop streaming when I'm ready to move on with my life. I don't want to do this as a full time job. I really enjoy entertaining, but I hate the limelight. I never really wanted to be a big internet figure, I just want to entertain people while I'm still motivated to. So I'm guessing I'll be heading out sometime in the next 1-2 years, unless I have a change of heart.

Q: Why aren't you on Twitch?
A: I got hacked, my twitch account has been compromised, and so far all of my attempts to contact Twitch have been unsuccessful. I have tried everything. It's probable I may never get it back at this rate, seeing as Twitch isnt competent enough to actually read my support tickets.

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