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[AMV] 花火かな

Uploaded to YouTube by: Em
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 January 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 16 February 2018

Tags: 日本語


Wow ok; this is the first time in forever where I’ve sat down to write a description and known exactly where to start.

As many of you know, I major in Japanese at university; I’m a first year undergrad. This is something which I try not to incorporate into my editing because I know that most people watching my videos can neither read nor understand Japanese. However, about a month ago, I started studying haikus/renga/basically comparing various forms of Japanese poetry for an essay I had to write. And, to my surprise, it was a LOT cleverer and more interesting than I thought. My Japanese is very limited but, a few weeks ago, something cool happened and I wrote about that moment.

And this morning, I was studying and talking to Alf about editing and poetry [he is editing and I am studying poetry'> and I suddenly have this idea to edit with this haiku. He says, “ey! Edit with me!” and I’m like “ffs I’m studying, why you do this to me T_T” and, being the responsible student that I am, I jumped up and went to edit it xD While this is ABOUT someone that I know in real life, I dedicate it to Alf; I don’t think I would have found the inspiration to edit it without you :’)

In short; I edited this for myself. I’m uploading it because I like it [SHOCK VALUE OVER 9000'>. It kinda turned out the way I wanted it to, even if it’s not enjoyable in the normal way. I chose the scenes really carefully, but I’m not sure if all the meanings are clear if you’re not in my head T_T. Sorry about the Japanese. It doesn’t really work as a translated poem but I can give it a shot if people wanna know.

Edit: oh shit there's a lot more warp on it than i thought. OOPS

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