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Detecting Mild Sleep Apnea with a pulse oximeter

Uploaded to YouTube by: Techmoan
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 30 August 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 25 April 2020

Tags: techmoan


Something weird was going on with my sleep - it turned out to be sleep apnea.
There's a gadget category which lets you monitor yourself in the comfort of your home and also can help towards reducing the effects of the condition in some mild cases.
I haven’t put an affiliated link to the exact Pule Oximeter I bought as while it does work, it doesn’t seem resilient and I’m sure there are (or will soon be) better options for the money.

All these devices seem a bit janky at the moment, so choose carefully or perhaps wait a while until they improve or this idea gets incorporated into a smart-watch from a company like Fitbit or Apple (or insert other company you prefer here)...and yes some Fitbits can already measure blood oxygen - but at the moment they only provide very basic generalised results and more importantly they don’t give alerts for low sp02 - same with the Withings, same the the Garmin...so unfortunately these currently aren’t a viable alternative to the category of devices I’m using.

UPDATE: Video now delisted. It was generating abusive and intrusive emails from people who for some reason thought they now had the right to inform me in patronising and condescending detail how I should be living my life - without them having the faintest clue as to the other long term incurable chronic medical conditions I'm having to manage. These extend far beyond mild, self-controlled sleep apnea. I never intended to create videos that made boundary-illiterate individuals feel emboldened to point scorn at a stranger, then offer up unsolicited, ill-informed and woefully unqualified advice - this was just a video about a piece of tech.

There will be no more health tech demonstrations on this channel.

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