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My M.A.C. Drama -_- (an anecdote) Could also be a bit of a rant ~ lol D:

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Uploaded to YouTube by: TheSublimeAgent
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 23 April 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 13 April 2011



An amusing and hopefully helpful story and word of warning. Suffice it to say that I had a bad CCO experience, although my experience at various CCOs have usually been relatively pleasant.

***My comment about MAs or counter assistants is not meant to sound rude--it has just been my honest experience 100% of the time. Maybe it's because I am a guy, but I always find MAs very rude, unhelpful, ignorant about their products, etc. (whether at a Chanel counter, a La Mer counter, or a drug store counter). Maybe it's also because I live in L.A. Who knows?! haha :P If this comment still irritates you, I will buy a spycam or something and prove it to you D: haha!

Recent quote from a Chanel MA at a Chanel counter in Santa Monica:

"The Sublimage line wouldn't be so expensive if it didn't work!"
(Said very rudely, not surprisingly)

My response (in my head of course): AHAHAHAHA, please!! Has that line ever fooled anyone, really??! -_-

Tell me what you think about my story. Has something similar ever happened to you? The whole scenario sparked some curiosity in me and I don't want the same thing to happen to any of my subscribers (or else I would have to get involved, and things wouldn't be pretty) :)

Thanks so much for watching!


*I bought this stuff (unfortunately).

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