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CTGP WR] Canyon Run - 2:32.997

Uploaded to YouTube by: Matt
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 17 October 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 22 September 2020

Tags: Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart, World Record, CTGP, Matthew Lim, Re*Matt


The CTGP Records channel got removed due to copyright, but thank goodness Diamond (who recorded this run - thank you!) still had this video. It's not live replay because live replay doesn't work with tracks that have speed mods.

This run was set on July 11, 2020. About the run itself, I can't say I'm disappointed with it. Obviously, I """""only""""" beat the previous WR by 0.999, but for the most part the driving was solid. I could've had better alignments on the wheelie after the top of the final hill, but I wanted to play it safe with the pokey cycles. I got unfavorable air on the shroom lap 3. I also got drift locked on the lap 2 balloon shortcut, and got a horrible bounce before and after the lap 3 one, messing up the alignment. Finally, I was a pixel or so too close to the lap 3 left wall before the final trick, so I couldn't take the tight landing. None of these mistakes cost a large amount of time though, and imperfections are pretty much inevitable on a track this difficult. Again, I'm not disappointed in the run - my goal was 2:32 and I got it. 2:31 is possible with no new strats, but it would require near-perfect driving. This track is understandably unpopular to TT though, so I wouldn't be surprised if this run isn't beaten for a long time, especially because I don't know of any new strats that could be done.

The mii name and music choice were chosen carefully. Not just because of the music being a good song, but because of what the song is. It's the Credits Music from Pokemon Colosseum. The credits play at the very end of the game, and once the credits finish, the game is over.

As I mentioned in the description of my rWS time, I have so little free time to do anything nowadays, and also a vastly diminished desire to play this game. I had the WR on Canyon Run for most of its lifetime in CTGP, and because it got a recent update, I felt that this was the most fitting way to go out.

Calling MKW a career is silly because I, just like pretty much everyone else, essentially made no money off this game. But despite that...

I had a pretty good career.

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