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Uploaded to YouTube by: mentalgatecoaching
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 7 November 2007




The MENTAL GATE Channel brings you the best and quality selected mental power and "brain suff" materials we can find and which we personally recommend.
We try to seperate for you the good from the rubbish. Of course this is always a personal and subjective opinion. But as we take this topics serious and are passionate about always learning more, we are passionate about checkeing the powerful mind-tools we recommend before we introduce them to you.

More interesting Mind Stuff can be found on
We continuously add more content and review what mind power products like DVDs, CDs, Videos or Books might be really ineresting and worth of reading/seeing.

Body Mind and Soul - Our recommendations on selected DVDs, CDs, Videos or Books can also be found on our web-site. Find spiritual scientific mind opening materials, enforce your chi ki qi prana heal your life energy

We do not claim to be perfect. So if you have comments, recommendations or know about discoveries on the scientific field of mind power / brain power / mind secrets etc. we will be glad to hear from you.


We are highly interested in exciting open minded topics - http://www.MentalDimension.com -
Quantum Physics, NLP, Hypnosis, Creative Manifestation, The Field, The String Theory, Srings, Microcosm, Macrocosm, meditation, mindfulness, intuition, Enhanced Intuition, Remote Viewing, Spirituality, Body Mind Soul Connection,
http://www.MentalDimension.com - inner spirit, inner health, western as eastern meditation, the Silva Mind Method, The Universe, mind control, brain control, mental control, self-help, self-improvement, self-developement, positive energies, human power, http://www.MentalDimension.com - The secret Law of Attraction, Law of Vibration, mindfulness, the free will, freedom and the fact that we are born rich, achieving success in life, business success, health succes, personal success,
http://www.MentalDimension.com - EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, any kind of mental training, mind training ,brain training, brain acceleration, mind acceleration, http://www.MentalDimension.com - mind secrets, brain exercise, mind exercise, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the subconscious secrets, intelligence, IQ, source power, source energy, http://www.MentalDimension.com - the divine universe, divine techniques, mindfulness, biofeedback, aura, neurofeedback, radionics, the morphogenetic fields and Rupert Sheldrake Water Cristals and Dr. Emoto, The Unified field, http://www.MentalDimension.com - The Field and Lyne Mc Taggert, The Science of Getting Rich and Bob Proctor, The Science of Getting Well and Wallace D. Wattles, The Think and Grow Rich and Napoleon Hill, mental dimension, the string theory, Dr. John Hagelin, Movies like Bleep, What the bleep we know? Of cours the movie The Secret, great teachers like Dr. Michael Backwith, Bob Doyle, John Assaraf, Jack Canfield, aaaand and and! Power Teachers like Christopher Howard, Steven R. Covey, Shakti Gawain, Jose Silva and the Ultramind System, Personal Development, Coaching, Mentoring, Selfimprovement, spritual senses, remote viewing, intuition, wealth, prosperity, riches, wellbeing, doorway to problem solving, psychic improvement, mindfulness, deliberate creation, design your life....


All that stuff excites us. All this topics are very powerful and connected with each other. The study and learning of this science fields improves the life quality tremendously! We see it at our selves as well as with our students.

Thanks for reading that far.
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